About Us

We manage the largest Coconut farms in the USA and we have pioneered large-scale coconut farming in the USA.

We are a USDA Certified Organic farm with our pilot farms are located on Pine Island in SouthWest Florida with nearly 100 acres of old growth Coconut trees under our management. We plan to increase our management of coconut food forests in the USA.


Globally there are 62 million tons of coconuts produced. With numerous health benefits and a great taste, it is no wonder that so many people enjoy bottled coconut water. In the United States, nearly all coconut water drunk, worth almost $2 Billion, is harvested internationally, mostly in the Far East. But the process of importing large quantities of coconut water is energy-intensive due to shipping long distances. The coconuts are also often grown in large monoculture plantations that emit much carbon and old-growth forests are often destroyed to make way for these plantations. The millions of bottles/packs of Coconut Water sold annually in the US are not easily recyclable creating landfills. Additionally, the pandemic has caused a fair amount of supply chain bottlenecks, uncertainties, and cost increases in Oceanic Freight.

Most importantly, due to the long distances to be traveled, the coconuts are harvested months before. Hence they are not as fresh, delicious (and nutritious) as the ones harvested from our US farms, that were picked probably a week before available in stores

Our Solution

We plan to grow a large portion of coconuts required in the USA in the nine tropical regions of the US.

South Florida, Southwest Texas, Southern California, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Marianna Islands.

15,000 coconuts on average can be harvested from each acre per year when the groves have reached their full potential. Currently, our capacity is around 1 million coconuts a year. We are partnering with small farmers to develop 10,000 acres in these USA tropical regions into Coconut Food forests that could yield a capacity of 150 Million Coconuts a year in 7-10 years.


We plan and are actively engaged in transforming degraded land in the USA into biodiverse organic regenerative farms and our Pine Island farms are being developed as a model for this - with an active trialing and production, processing, and marketing hub for a wide range of tropical produce with many health benefits including but not limited to coconuts, mango, jackfruit, guava, Jamun, lychee, banana, pineapple, mangoes, vines like black pepper, vanilla, and roots like turmeric, yams, and many ayurvedic herbs and shrubs.

As an organization, we aim to reinvigorate the land we steward, to build a functional ecosystem based on agroforestry, agroecology, permaculture, and regenerative design.

Many of our trees are green Malay coconut and a few orange Malay varieties with a refreshing sweet taste.